Saturday, April 24, 2010


OMG, I can't believe that Spring Fair is one week away. It seems like I've been making mugs forever.

I decided to only make mugs this year. I created my own design templates so that I could repeat designs if I liked them. Also, it freed me up to create lots of different designs using simple and cheap materials.

So much fun to focus on just one form. I love to decorate and color mugs. It really nurtures my love to color and to design.

Sam, my younger son, came over yesterday to photograph all of them. Such a great guy to spend time taking pictures of over 60 mugs for me. Thanks, Sam!

I hope that folks will come out to see the fruits of my labor; and of course, everyone else's pottery. There will be over 60 of us, Clay Alliance potters showing and selling our work.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kiln Results at P.A. Lowery Art Tiles

After firing over 20 tiles, I opened the kiln on Wednesday. I delivered most of these tiles to my frame maker this week so the custom frames could be made.

Shown here are the two small tiles that I first wrote about on April 1. I am pleased with the "Fern Trail" landscape (last tile shown) but I am considering glazing and firing again, the "Oak Trail" (far right tile in second row). I want to try to see if I can soften the color of the stems and give the background a bit more color.

Also shown are a few of the other tiles (Goldfinch Duet, Ivy Frog and Savanna Tree) that were in the firing.

Stay tuned, my next post will feature something entirely different!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Yosuke Koizumi

Yosuke Koizumi is the potter in residence for Shimpo Ceramics. This picture was taken at the clay show in Cambridge, WI, 2007

Baum Pottery

Bottle in Shino glaze with kiln rust

Progress on New P.A. Lowery Art Tiles

I just finished glazing two of the new tiles that I featured in an earlier post. Here are the photos of how the tiles looked just before they went into the kiln. I am also posting a photo of a wall pocket that I'll be glazing for the Spring Fair. This piece is shown in bisque form and measures about 7 3/4". Of course, it will shrink a bit once it goes through the glaze firing.

I'll be firing the kiln tonight so I hope to have more photos by Wednesday evening.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Springfair Artist Submissions!

Check out this work from some of Spring Fair's participating artists:

Jane Lester

Alysha Macpherson

Laura Davis

Marcia Fanthorp

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New Art Tiles from P.A. Lowery

I thought it would be cool to show some work in progress.
I've been working on several new images for Spring Fair. Tonight I pulled the first castings from two molds for these new designs. The images shown are photos of the plaster molds (shown in white and red) and images of the wet red clay as it looks when it first comes off the mold. They will be fired to cone 6 and will end up measuring about 2 3/4" x 4 1/2". After the glaze firing, they will be mounted in handmade frames.

It may be hard to imagine what the final pieces will look like so for some examples of my work please visit my website!

Look for future posts as these pieces progress.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Featured Artist: John Mason

From John:

"Spent most of the Fall teaching myself how to make boxes. I don't hand build much so this was a new experience. If you get the lids just right, they can look like turtle shells or cracked plaster. But getting ready for Spring Fair usually means breaking out the black clay and Lichen glaze to make my Midnight Pottery. As much fun to use as it is to make!"


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Submission: Linda LeGendre

Artist Linda LeGendre submitted some of her work that she will be bringing to Spring Fair. Here is what she says about her work:

Gnomes are about 15 inches high and washed over with red iron oxide in watercolor fashion. Lizard mugs and platters are easy to pick up and easy to love. Matching swirl bowls avialble. No website now but my email address is


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mugs mugs mugs!

I've been working on some 30 odd mugs recently (not all pictured here, obviously ;) and it's been a ton of fun! It's really interesting sticking within one "type" and making variations on that "type." Check out my pots drying out for the first firing. Glazing here we come!